Professional Supervision

Professional supervision provides a safe, confidential, and dynamic space for you to work through aspects of your work life and career development. The process facilitates reflection, thought organisation, decision-making, and action planning. It is always led by you. 

External supervision is not commonly offered to employees outside of clinical or therapeutic settings but is an invaluable investment for any organisation committed to good practice and for anyone looking to be more considered, confident, and therefore more fulfilled in their work. Some people attend for only a few sessions to work through a specific issue and others come for many months or years. Supervision can be delivered in small groups or one-to-one

I have 20 years of experience as a senior executive in business, with specialisms in bid writing, learning and development, human resources, sustainability, and change leadership and management. In the last 10 years, I've provided general and specialist professional supervision to senior executives, managers, and front-line staff in a very wide range of non-clinical settings. I've also supported a large number of start-ups, scale-ups, and established local and national SMEs (small/medium enterprises) and larger organisations to secure contracts/funding and develop innovative strategies to manage common workplace and workforce issues. This support has expanded in the last 5 years to also include creative problem-solving to address specific difficulties related to BREXIT, COVID-19, and the cost of living crisis. I am available for this work on a consultancy basis. 

I'm a member of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organisations. The purpose of ISPSO is to explore how psychoanalytic thinking can further our understanding of organisations and the wider social influences that impact them. The insights gained are used to promote and support the development of healthier, more humane, and better-performing organisations